Thursday, March 31, 2016


 This was our first official ride out to the Honey run covered bridge.   We were not dressed to impress and it was cold.

We had a lot harder time riding the bikes back then and we were going a lot slower.  Our averaged speed back then was between 8 and 12.  Now it's between 14 and 16.   I tend to be the speed demon, 14 and 16 are my normal cruising speed, however now I can crank it up to 16 to 18.  But I don't want to leave hubby behind.

This is looking back toward were we are standing above.   I call this lizard way. Their hundreds of them.

Honey Run River.
Apparently this river is off limits to fishing.  While we were up their some guy got ticketed, or he didn't have the proper licence.  Don't really now, but he seemed really upset.

 Here we are posing with the Sign.  We made it.  Who knew we would eventually make it all the way to Paradise.

And Lot's of Lizards.

The the Covered Bridge, Beautiful.

Ask another to take our picture so we could stand together.

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