Wednesday, November 30, 2016

1,563.44 miles.

Maybe if your a professional your looking at this and going Meh.  But for me I'm pretty dame proud.  Yeah that last of the month as been so so for bike riding.  But This is what I have accomplished with my hubby, by my side.  His would be a little less than mine, but I'm not leaving him out of this, he worked his butt off two and he a trooper when it come to the pain cave.

As of  5/18/2016 which is the first official post we have rode 1,563.44 miles and have burned a grand total of 76,007.2 calories.   :)        

The next thing we have planned is to takes Chris bike to the Dr and get it some TLC, hubby does not want a new bike. :(     His class ends in another two weeks and window painting will dry up some what.  More time to ride. :)   I planned to still use my first bike, she's not going to be ignored, but I'm retiring her from long rides.  

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


OMG It's Beautiful!  It's mine my precious...... Oh huh was that me.  Oh yes it was.  And yes it's ordered.  This isn't a dream, it's a reality.  And I'm in love.   It's Airen 1 Diamond Back Road bike.   eeeeeeeeeeeee!    Now this time I'm going to make sure my baby is taken care of.   It will have it's own bed and I read it bed time stories...LOL   No not really, but I'm going to take better care of it than the other poor Diamond back.  But I'm not trashing my first love, I've got big plans for it in my training.  Sorry I'd tell you but I have some thing I want to keep my secret for now.   In all the cycling magazines I have never seen any one do this.  I will tell you about in time.  ;)       So I'm going to be counting they days down till it arrives.     

Monday, November 28, 2016

8.24 miles 11/28/2016

Got home a little early today and when hey I can go on a quick last minute bike ride.   So I did a 8.24 mile bike ride thought the park. Yaaaaa.    But I was not going fast that for sure, between climbing up and down on my little step ladder I'm feeling it in my thighs.    And all this week I'll be lucky if I get maybe one or two short rides in.   And did I mention it is so cold. When your walking out side it cold, then get on a bike and the wind chill even feels colder.   Brrrrrr.   

Thursday, November 24, 2016

8.24 miles 11/24/2016

 YA!  Got a last minute Thanks Giving day ride in with hubby.   It was a short 8.24 miles but worth it.   And oh man is it cold.   Painted a place called Has Bean Coffee.  Really wonderful people and I was really surprised they have a wonderful little selection of European chocolates.  I was talking to the guy at the counter and look down and recognized a German cookies my Oma use to send us when I was a teenager.  WOW!  
Did a 3 hour window painting for them.   

No don't worry I'm not going to eat it. LOL  But it is very beautiful.  Hopefully the kids near by won't terrorize all the mushrooms growing.  

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

BLARG! 11/22/2016

Yes you heard me right Blarg.   I am up to my eye balls in window painting jobs, and I just coming home way to late to do anything. :(  :(     When I'm painting 2 stores a day I can squeeze a late ride in, but when it comes to 3 or 4 stores in one day,  no.   Till next time.  Maybe in a few days I'll get home early enough, crossing my fingers.  

Sunday, November 20, 2016

ZERO Miles 11/20/2016

Yeah I'm a cycling whimp this time.  It rained really hard and it was so cold on the 19th.  I was trying to psych my self up and grit my teeth and go for it.  But Getting drenched in non water proof cycling cloth is not fun, been their done that and it's like jumping into a swimming pool.   Chilly and so so cold and to top it off I can't go fast because it's more slippery and the wind chill factor can turn your skin to ice.   Today I could have taken a ride, it didn't rain too hard, but we did some necessary running around to do and by the time we were done it was just too dark.    

Friday, November 18, 2016

9.57 miles 11/18/2016

Did a shorter ride today.  Why?  I was going up an down on the step ladder for 4 hours, so by the time I got on the bike I could feel it in my legs. 
9.57 miles that's all. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

13.64 Miles 11/17/2016

Well on this bike ride today found some people picking a pants I was unfamiliar with, they didn't know what it was called either, but they were using it their soup.   I identified it as Mallow which is very edible.   So cool beans found a new edible food source.    Did 13.64 miles with 3 reps up the hill.  
I decided I want to join a cycling club, but which one?   Chico Velo? or .....?   The prices are not bad $10 for 1 year membership that awesome.   
My only worry is that they take one look at me and got shit lady your in the wrong sport, my size.    I don't fit the cycling profile.  I guess their only one way to find out.  Just join and see what happens.    I just want to practice cycling in a group, in case I ever go any further with this.    So well see.  

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

12.08 miles 11/15/2016

Painted Party Town today 4 1/2 hours. 12.08 miles and no hill climbing today.   As I took off on my bike it was looking pretty dark and I was thinking is it going to rain.   The sky was very over case and it had rain a little though out the day.   Was greeted by a bunch of quail on the way around my loop so cute.    When I got to horse shoe lake and was going up the hill before the parking I spied a 10 year old boy on his scooter walking up the steep hill and riding down fast with no helmet.   When I got to the top I saw his mom standing their watching him.     I been riding pretty late now and it get dark a lot faster.    It so quiet and still along the ride, their are people out their, but not as many.  Just damp stillness.    And the lighting is completely different.   Not spooky just very calming.
Yesterday I was racing the setting sun and was riding the 4 miles home in the dusk, didn't want that to happen, but it did.    And I just cut it close today got home exactly at 5:00.     

13.64 Miles 11/14/2016

Opp's got distracted and for got to post yesterday.
Did 2 hours worth of window painting and 13.64 miles on the bike with 3 reps up the hill.   
No the hill is not that steep. LOL
I am turning into a hill junkie. On the way around the loop which as is very mild down hill I go fast, but it's not the same when I turn around and go back up a very mild up hill grade, that when I'm like ahhh that feels better.  And I been doing the hill almost every day now.
When I go up hill I sit down the whole way I do not stand up.   In the beginning I did stand up and it really is not worth it, I lost a lot of energy.   Standing up is good for very short burst up hill to get up and over a small hill.  But for 0.2 miles no.      To get a perspective of what 0.2 miles is.
0.2 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.2 = 1 mile   When I'm doing the hill it's So doing three reps not counting the going down hill part would be 0.6 miles and so on.     My goal is to do it 10 times.    I've gotten up to 6 so far.  
The hill is 36ft up and 3ft down or

Kind of sad I offered to get hubby his cookie monster jersey, but he said no, he been in the book and we don't ride together very much. So instead he's going to buy some books.  And beside the jersey he want price is still astronomical.    So I found my a short sleeve version of my favorite jersey :) for an un-astronomical price.  Ya!   Having just one jersey it's taking a beating.  I've already had to stitch a few spot from wear.   Having two now will help. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

29.3 miles 11/13/2016

 Great riding day today.  :)    Did 29.3 miles and got 6 reps up the hill.  But I split it in half did three reps made the 12 mile circle and did another 3 reps.   The weather was perfect and so nice.    Yes the first part of the ride was a hard, but this time after 10 miles then I started to feel a lot better.   Curious side not.  Cycling make you stand with a straight stance when you walk.   I did not believe this at first, but it's true, it enhances your posture when you walk, like an arrow. LOL   
I decided to start parking my bike like this from now on.  I had my bike fall several times and this just make more sense.  
Now for weight loss I've hit a rock, I'm not gaining, and I'm not losing, but I'm not stressing.  Because I dropped 4 sizes being in this same rut.   Ya I know it sounds crazy, but I look it up and it's a fact.   And like I said before I'm in no rush to be skinny.  If it happens it happens.   Losing a lot of weight fast is impressive, but very harmful to your body.   I want to do it the right way.
Decided to add a mug shot.
After 1 hour of riding I use to eat a whole cliff bar, know I can eat 1/2  a cliff bar after a hour and be fine.     Ya!      

 Well now.   This got caught in my break pad and yes it stop the bike.  Yikes.   Any thing and every thing get pick up by the tires.    Branches and sticks are basically projectiles.      


I see these all the time so I thought I'd have some fun and do one for my self.  

Saturday, November 12, 2016

13.24 Miles 11/12/2016

Happy B day to me. I'm now 42 years old.  

I had a very mild food irritation and was out for the count all day yesterday.  And today feel better the first thing that pop's into my mind is a bike ride.  Hubby stayed home with his head buried in studying.  So off I go... go.... um....go!   Oh boy... 13.24 miles felt like 40.  I did my regular loop and did only two reps on the hill.  For some reason I was having a harder time, and was ok I know I'm not up to par, but what going on.  Then on the way down from Horse shoe lake I could hear a very loud scraping sound. It was so bad I was going 7 miles an hour. "Hey I just got every thing fixed??" I was thinking.    So I stop, turn the bike over and I could not get it to make the sound.  Road it again and scrap, scape.  It finally went away, so I think maybe a rock or a stick got lodged for a while in the brake pad. Hopefully that is all it was.   But no I was not rocking it today.   Today was not invigorating.   Maybe tomorrow will be better.  

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

13.24 miles 11/9/2016

The weather was prefect today.   We did a 13.24 miles and climb the hill twice.   I'm feeling it today I've been riding for, 4 days in a row, so tomorrow I need to take a break.  

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

14.5 Miles 11/8/2016

How cool is this I got to paint a Atari Christmas.  :)       This was a 3 hour job.   
Then did a 14.5 mile ride and included 4 time rep up the hill.    Saw a sun dog today and took a picture of it, but the camera faded the image.  :(     So I posted one below.

From Google.
 Sundogs form when sunlight passes through hexagonal, plate-shaped ice crystals in cirrus clouds, which act like a prism and refract light, according to a NASA release. Also known as parhelia, they can be seen anywhere in the world, but are most visible when the sun is low in the sky.

Monday, November 7, 2016

9.2 miles 11/7/2016

 Paint SUSHI KING Today 6 hours, including up and down on a step stool.  That a really good work out. ;)    Then afterward my hubby and I did a 9 mile bike ride thought tons of bugs.   Ya Protein.  I think I ate about 2 and choked on 1.  Yuck.  

Sunday, November 6, 2016

12.12 miles 11/6/2016

I about spit my coffee out this morning when I found this.  It sum's up how I feel about riding on the stationary bike.  LMAO   

Well I'm so happy to be back on the bike and I didn't even let the weather stop me, very overcast, windy and a bit rainy, but I luck out the rain stopped with I got on the bike.    Oh my poor poor tushy, sitting on the stationary bike seat really did a number on me.   Here the run down of how I feel. 
MY WILD MIND:   YAAA HOOO 40 miles or more, 20 reps Hill climbing here we come.  RIDE.
MY RATIONAL MIND:   Two more good rides and I'm be ok.
MY TUSH:   What the hell are you doing to me, why are you changing seats, I hate you.!  
Yeah I got dropped and I got dropped bad. LOL  It's ok.   But next time, he won't be so lucky....BWHAAAAA!    Well tomorrow is going to be busy for me I'm painting Sushi King and that can range from 5 to 6 hours of ladder climbing.   Depending when I get done I will probably do a ride. After 1 or 2.    This is the first year I'm going to make a big effort to ride after painting. 
So another day another ride. :)

Friday, November 4, 2016


I swear I can't win.   I just lost my position as the key holder for the rec room, which means I no longer have access to going in and exercising after hours.   It's nothing I did, the corporation change their rules.  Well it was nice while it lasted.   So after my affirmation of proclaiming I will cycle after window painting, well that going to be really difficult now.   On the other hand my bike is in the shop getting some TLC.   I told them to fix every thing and anything.    This bike has been abused a lot, with my weight, long ride and all that jazz.    I just can't wait to be out side again.  I'm sure your seeing a patten really good riding, then fall on my face, then really good riding then fall on my face.    What can I say I'm consistent.    Teeth problems? What teeth problems.    So after the long haul of summer the sweet sound of money is starting to finally come in and I drooling over finally getting my new bike.  I know I posted things way too early, but I (CAN) wait.     I think I said this before, but we both abused the first bikes because how did we know that we would ever do long rides and take cycling seriously.   The were just meant for going to the college and back or riding to the 2 1/2 miles to the park.      So all in all it will have been a full three weeks of being off my bike and riding 45.6 miles with in those three weeks.    Feel the burn. LOL      What I am really looking forward to is climbing.   My legs feel the best when going up hill, don't ask me why.  When I did the 71 miles towards the end, I was more at ease on the slight up grade then I was doing slightly down hill.   Cycling is a drug, literally a drug.  I need to be back on my own bike to get that high.   That is why I had the melt down with that stationary bike.   It's not the same, the spinning wheel is so small and no matter how high the resistance is, it is not the same as actually climbing a hill.    Poor hubby has no time to ride he's up to his eye balls in test and more test.   He rides every once in a while just to control his legs from wigging out.      Well my bike will be fixed this Monday or Hopefully Saturday.   Can wait.    

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


 4 hours of painting.  13.6 miles in 45 minutes.
This is Ozzie's BMW Motorcycle Center.   I like painting cars and Motorcycles it challenges me.
I'm going to put my foot down and not crap out on the stationary bike.   But tomorrow I do get to take a break.  Two day on, on day rest.  

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


13 Miles on the stationary bike.   ARRGHHHH!!!  Ok their I said, it after that horrible post.  
  Ehem...... Ok Let me start again.    'I will make time for the stationary bike"  in between window painting and until my new bike get here.    

I had a moment....ok.  

SIGNING OFF 11/1//2016

Wait? What?  Window painting and Cycling do not mix. :(  This is normal for me this time of year, I am I window painter and my customers are starting to book orders.  :)   So bike even on the stationary bike it a no go. :(    Oh well it was bound to  and it happed last year and the year before.   I not going to die.  And I will still be getting plenty of exercise up and down and up and down the ladder, and believe you me I'll be moving daily. LOL   However when I order my new Diamond Back I might pop back up.  ;)   Hopefully soon and if I have the time.     Talk about the craziest feeling, I been feeling my bike helmet on my head, is my brain having with draws?    I swear.  Hubby's sharing the pain with me, he's rides by him self, but it just not the same.   As for my teeth.  HA HA HA HA.  I'll just say the tooth next to my crack tooth which on the x rays is healthy just cracked today.    Oh well.    I turn 42 on the 12th of November, so bring it on.  ;)    As long as I'm standing up right I'm ok.    If you see me laying on the ground some were all I ask is drag me over to a tree and prop me upright. ;)  Thanks.