Friday, November 30, 2018


 Yeah I'm smiling, but I can tell you this much I feel like shit. Kind of like when you get dragged behind a horse on a rope shit. I have a head ache, and was kind of hoping that a good bike ride would get rid of it and I'd start feeling better. Nope.

I was really hoping to join the Friday group ride this morning and well, not happening.   Actually I'm glad I didn't do it, the way I feel right now is awful.    And I'm going to miss another cool ride.  Pam is hosting a adventure ride tomorrow and nope, not doing it.    So phhtttttt.   Move on.
 Here is the Steve G Harrison Memorial Arch from the other side. 
 Hmmm we have a tiny village pop up behind the apartments.  People need to live somewhere.   

Yeah LOL 9.6 average. So yeah no riding. Tomorrow, maybe the next day.   

Thursday, November 29, 2018


This is what stir crazy looks like.  I been off the bike for a total of 3 week and 5 days.  Not good, not feeling good, and I've gain some weight.  So phtttttt. 

I am trying to figure WTF did I do to my arms?  After this really short ride they are so sore? (?)  I have to wait to get the test.  

My little camera finally died.  I really don't like taking my video camera out in the rain, but it did.   Yes it's raining and there was flash flood warnings.   The perfect riding weather.
I just wanted to do 10 miles, that all, just to tell my whiny legs to shut the fuck up.  It's like each leg is it's own toddler that has to have a tantrum. 
Lot's of huge rocks were on the flooded path, also the bob wire was seperated from the wood fence and it was laying in the path under the water.  That is how I got my flat.
I decided not to go to the intersection. There are cars going up, but they all looked like search and rescue.  Honey run was be evacuated, so there were cars leaving and a few military and huge forestry trucks going in.

This is really sad,  open up your store and well, your store is no more.  :(     With that being said the bill board is very up lifting.  

On my ride home I was going to do my loop, go up hill then home.  Well on the down hill my back tire when kaput.  So I'm walking home.  Not far.   And low and behold a really nice cyclist who knew me offered me a ride home.  Yes!   Thank you!    

Now my poor hubby who was riding the bus home apparently sat next to a person who had there radio on there phone turned up listening to the news. My hubby thought I had ridden up to Chico Canyon road which was being evacuated, so I could only imagine he was thinking of me floating down the river on my bike waving my arms for help.    LOL   No I made it home just fine.

Well here is the low down. I've ridden 6604.54 miles for the whole year so far.  I'm 382.7 miles from reach 7000 miles for the whole year.   That is not a lot.  So I'm going to try to go for it.  Considering I have not been doing much riding.   

Friday, November 23, 2018


THIS IS HUMOR PEOPLE!!!!!!  No actual gun barrels were harmed. 

In this death defying crit race each bike is not fitted with a barrel of gun powder, but instead each bike is equipped with a special compartment that releases a perfect line of gun powder behind the bike.  As the races make there first half lap the lines are set on fire and that is when the real fun begins.    The riders have to go fast enough so the flame does not catch up with them.  The person who wins get to ride there bike directly into a near by lake to stop the connection.  And the losers, well they went out with a bang!

In this exciting version of crit racing each rider is doused in a bit of queen bee pheromones.   To rouse up the bees really good we with held them from the queen bee for several days, so there really raring to go and once they get a whiff of there queen beelieve you me they will bee going after her.  In the high stakes race, our racers will be screaming and they are beeing chased by a whole hive.   And unlike other crit races you will hear the entire hive of *60,000 bees go by, it an amazing rush.   *real fact. 

3. Illegal Weasel Crit Racing:

Illegal Weasel Crit Racing is one of the more painful of the banned crit racing sports.   Each rider is fitted with a specialized jersey that is a little over size and designed in such a way the weasels can not escape.  At the beginning of the race the trained weasel handlers insert the weasels into the people jerseys and take the muzzles off.  Did I mention weasel have razor sharp teeth and claws as sharp as glass.  And to make things more interesting the weasels are really hungry and we scented all the jersey with their favorite food.   It take a pro to maintain there focus on riding fast while their weasel is searching for a way out.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


I really don't know what to think.  15 minutes into window painting MJB Welding and I was not a happy camper.  I feel achy all over and feel like I have two cinder blocks strapped to my arms and my shoulder blades ache like the crazy.  My legs feel like they have always felt, icy, achy and antsy.  Amazingly enough my Bernard Roth syndrome in my left is gone?  It's been a crazy long time since I had a flare up.  That's a great thing, because having my thigh feel like it's burning with all this other stuff would be the pits.  However my obturator nerve entrapment is acting up, but unlike the Bernard Roth syndrome that is a actual diagnosis, the Dr did not know what was wrong with my legs and sent me to a therapy, which his best guess was the obturator nerve entrapment.  Long story short, what ever I have should not effect the legs on either side at different time. 
However this has been eye opening, because hubby has help me out my finding something called Fibromyalgia.  Now I not saying this is what it is exactly, but I do have a lot of the symptoms and have been like OMG, that is why this and SHIT! This is why that.

  I have had spots on my head that feel sore to the touch that I'll go thought the wall if it is touch.  To day was different, I've had them before, but to day I literally could feel the area throbbing, this is new and not pleasant.  Everything seems to be intensified, before it was like a hum in the back ground with blips ever now and they, but it's affecting me so much and so bad, that I have to stop window painting.   This is frustrating because I'm so use to go go going.  But upon painting MJB I was like shit basket!  I finished it then crashed like a air plane.  It just was not weakness I was having a hard time focusing on what I was doing.  I turn around and totally blank out, not good.  

It feels like my arm and legs have been stretch way too far, or I did a 100 mile ride with out building up to it.  I sure you've seen that one person after a really long ride fall off there bike wincing in pain and they next day there toast from soreness. 

So here the low down in three week I see the Dr again.  To see if my heart monitor test survived being put into the computers.  If not, I have to do it again.   Then I have to do the blood test, because I forgot, because well huge fire at the time headed toward East Chico. And I'm going to have a muscle enzyme test done.  So this might take a while.  

What I'm really hoping is when I get back on the bike, I'll start feeling better.  I'm having weakness in my arms and upper body, not my legs.   The one thing that did really hurt on long rides was my elbows, but it was weird it would flare up, then go away then flair up then go away, so I didn't think much of it.   If I do a bike ride and I am exhausted beyond exhausted, then I really have a problem.   


Saturday, November 17, 2018


There was a adventure ride today, I wanted to do it but opted out.   I'm so glad that I did, I don't know what going on, but doing small task is getting really super difficult. 
I painted lot's of stores all over the place, this is the first time I felt like I've been run over my a mack truck.   My bones are achy I don't know how else to describe it.  I window painted for IPP Kubota and holy fuck it was the worst experience ever,  I'm usually not that slow and I was struggling.  I have a constainte headache now and going up and down he step ladder was not fun, because I was getting dizzy.  After I was done I when to the store to pick up a small bag of cat food and I was struggling just to hold on to it.   I was getting fatigued from holding a bag of cat food. When I got home I just flopped, it felt like I did a 150 mile ride.  Chris hug me and just putting pressure on my should hurt. (??) This all started  on the 14th, but I just shrugged it off, thinking it might be temporary.  But it's not let up.   I had a idea to window painting in trade for donation, but hubby told me hell no, if I'm having trouble just holding on to things.  So that's that.   But hey can't say I don't keep trying.  Life is about having things fall through over and over that just the way it is, out of a 100 tries something got to work.
I have a appointment with the Dr on Monday for the heart monitor. (?)   That should be interesting.  Because a large part of the Feather river hospital is gone.  So I have no idea it the information from the heart monitor got looked at?   But regardless I've got to find out what going on with me being weak and now constantly fatigued.  

Thursday, November 15, 2018


Stronger - The Score (Lyric Video)


So What is the difference between and Bad ass and a Smart ass?  A Smart Ass knows when to quit and save a ride for another day.   Yeah it's fun being a bad ass, but when the AQI is going from 299, 300, 400.  Um no.     When the Carr Fire was going on and I was riding with my mask, the air was smoky, but not like it is now.    

The whole cycling community is suffering, some people are driving far away to get there fix.  Were all addicts and were all going through cycling withdraws. Some people are lucky and have indoor trainers.   My legs are on fire, but what is there to do?    My WOW group went to do a ride else were the AQI was deemed safe.  I decided not to join them because things can change fast. Well the area were they were did change fast it went from 77 to 117. So yeah   There is another Adventure Ride on the 17th.  And I really wanted to go, but my gut is telling me once again not a good idea.   So I'm going to opt out.   :(       

In other news I lost some window painting jobs in the most awful way.  :(  Everyone is safe that I know of.   So there lives are more important.   Even the Dennys District manager lost his home and his mother lost her home. This has effected every one.   I have great hope, remember some times the most beautiful flowers can bloom from the greatest destruction.  Everyone has to move forward and create a better future for Chico and all of our new family members who now reside and depend on our love and support.    Life is all about change, some times small and some time devastatingly big. Change is what brings new growth, new life, new friendship.   





Tuesday, November 13, 2018


 It's literally and figuratively been a dark day for Paradise, surrounding towns and Chico.  The sun is a red ball of glowing light that fades in and out as the heavy clouds of smoke waft by blanketing the valley.  One day every thing is hopping along, the next day utter devastation and unfathomable loss.

On the morning of the 8th I woke up, still half a sleep I looked up dreary eyed and saw a large black blanket covering Chico, I was really not all there, laid back down, and my mind must have been mulling over the image I saw.  Because my eyes snapped open and I was trying to digest this black cover.   My mind could not comprehend why I could see blue sky toward the edges of this massive sheet of sadness. That is what Q'd  me to something was very, very wrong.  Then the horrid extend and reality of what was going on set in.  

   The day before the fire we both were at the Feather River Hospital returning my monitor to be analyzed.  We could have been up there the day of the fire.

Updated 11-13-2018 
125,000 acres
30 % containment
3 Firefighters injured, not deaths.
42 Civilian fatalities.
 15,500 Structures Threatened.
6,522 Single Residence Destroyed
75 Single Residences Damaged
 85 Multiple Residence Destroyed 
 260 Commercial Destroyed
32 Commercial Damaged
772 other Structures Destroyed.

It heart breaking to hear all the stories, everyone you meet is suffering great losses.  Some people are strong and move on, other are not strong and don't know how to cope.  And then there are people like my family who are trying to get all the material things back.  (rolling eyes.)    No joke.  My Sister in law friend ask her is there any thing I can do for you.   What does my sister in law ask for?   Her lost Fine Bone China Japaneses Dinner set.  No Apologies here   These two Douche Bags, have help from both sides of the family to the point they could have to new homes bought, with cars.  Yet they have a page were there asking for more money.   Face Palm.   If your wondering why the animosity?  My brother and his wife are the kind of people that get happy about other peoples demise.  They openly toasted to the death of all the Indonesia people who died in the tsunami.  They gleefully watch a guys head be cut off on live TV and laugh about it.   This is the evil disgusting family I come from.  
And my mom said there something wrong with me?    Ok family rant over with.  

Our home is about the little dot.  That 1.8 mile from were the fire break stopped the fire.
The two white arrows pointing toward each other is were I ride my bike.
622 Engines
71 Water Tenders
21 Helicopters
97 Hand Crews
107 Dozers
5139 Total Personal

And this was found not on the internet, but a sign board. 

:(   Nature getting hit hard too.   A bunch of little sparrows dead. 

Ash on flowers.
Another land mark that is gone.  :(

The road to the Cover Bridge.   This is all burnt.

Our beloved Covered Bridge is gone.

 Our first ride was to the Covered Bridge. 

Paradise Bike path.

Every thing has a end, but the end is also the beginning.   The Healing begins.

Thursday, November 8, 2018


18,000 thousand acer have been consumed by the Paradise Camp Fire.  
The town of Paradise is gone.
Up to 1,000 home are burns.

This is what the smoke plume looks like over Chico CA.

I can see the flames from were I live from the ridge.  Scary stuff. All of Paradise and Migalia have evacuated into Chico.

 The Hospital I visited yesterday is gone.  It's completely burn down.  Every one was evacuated. 

What a head spinner, this is all so surreal and sad beyond measure. 

The people who I feel sorry for the most are the people who can't bounce back.   Some people are just able bounce back because they have lot's of money, fire insurance and they can just buy every thing they need, then there are the people that one they lose every thing that's it end game.  They are either now homeless and destitute.  :(  

I'm am less than a mile or two from a area that is under possible evacuation, because the fire is coming down the hill.    And I know all to well how fast a fire can change direction and speed.  So it's better to be safe than sorry. I've packet the car and the cat's well be the last to go into there crates.  
So many people are suffering tonight it is unfathomable.   And what makes it worse it's been super chilly.     And shit what about the homeless people in Paradise????  

Computer is dying so I'll catch up with you later..

Continuation:   We just evacuated from our apartment.  The flames are just too close.  So were staying at my mother in laws home for now.   :(    

Over and out.