Friday, February 28, 2020


  This is what I should be doing. I should be getting the miles in, I should be enjoying the beautiful weather. 
This is the reality.

So far I been stuck in this contraption for a week.  Not fun,

So when to the first Dr at Prompt care.  The lady was not amused, not friendly more like meh.   I told her my symptoms, she said Plantar Fasciitis, the nurse suggested Gout.  I laugh internally and rolled my eyes.

Went for a second opinion and got a little bit better logical advice.
And they did some test and discover I had a superficial blood clot.  I left there feeling like something got accomplished.

When back to my main Dr the one I try to avoid at all cost because it's like talking to cardboard.  And when you make a appointment with him it's take months.  Well he was so book up I could not make a appointment with him.  LOL   But the nurse did something amazing she got me to see another Dr on the same day.  DANG!  That never happen before.  Not complaining.  What did this Dr say on my check up.  Put your leg up, rest and ice it.     (Seriously)  Ice it.  Ice a superficial blood clot.  His demeanor was the exactly the same as the first Dr, meh don't care do this.    I've had superficial clots before and the last thing you want to do is ice it.  You want to have a warm compress on it to help break the clot up.  When people get blood clots it's from prolong sitting.  So yeah this might take a while.  I feel like shit.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

40.10 MILES 2/19/2020 & FOOT PAIN

Today was a little harder,  really had to push my self.  Part of the reason was my left foot, but it was not hurting that much at the time. 
The weather is so perfect.
Doing a ride with hubby.
Check up on all the butterfly chrysalis.   Just seeing if they've changed.  I really want to watch one open. 
Kind of sad looking.  They all have there own personality.
By my self now, and this time I did no hill climbing.  Because I was suppose to join Jenni for hill repeats.   Something came up and she canceled.    Well maybe it was better because the next morning my foot was on fire.

Well any way I continued my ride.  I was gunning for 50 miles, but cut it short at 40 miles, hubby does not like me riding in the dark. Even though I have a head light and back light it's still very hard.
Sun's going down.
Going home. 
As for my foot I have Plantar Fasciitis  or PF and usually it affect my heel.   Well in the morning my whole foot was on fire.  Went to have it check out and at first they like you could have gout.  LOL Nope I don't have gout.  Rolling eyes.   But I didn't know that PF could get this bad.  Ouch.  So I'm going to start doing some stretches and hope that works.  But no riding until this clear up.  

But so far I'm happy with my mileage into 2020. I've got 1,024 mile so far.   

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Well so far so good.  I'm 552.59 miles into this month with only 447.41 miles left.
So if I do 40 miles a day, till the end of the month I'll reach my goal. 
Today I was feeling good.
So yes I'm going to try to get to 1,000 miles for this month.

Spied on a little sea bird I've never seen before in Chico.  
Apparently using the cross walk is not safe.  Another car stopped for me, and the truck that was suppose to stop didn't want to stop, he cussed me out and gunned it and forced his way around me.   So fun.  NOT.    

Monday, February 17, 2020

30.06 MILES & I LIED

 So yeah today was suppose to be my break day that is what I told my self.  It didn't happen.  LOL

 Beautiful magnolia tree.
 Dog paw in what is left of pond scum.

Remember this.  Well it's all dried up and looking like this below.

Just a mass of fibers that use to be alive.   What amazing is that in the jumbled mess of fiber is eggs, and other microscopic life waiting for the next rain, to start the whole cycle over again.
And I did hill repeats.  Don't ask me why, I don't have a answer.
Sun set on the way home.


 What a awesome day to be out on a bike with two great biking buddies.

You could not ask for better weather and some of the trees were in full bloom.   
 Meeting up with Jenni and Janelle.  
This was the official last ride with Janelle. :(   This was our last time seeing her.   So riding around the buttes make saying good bye extra special.  I won't forget this ride. 

Jenni doing pre-stretches before the ride.  

                                             One of Jennies photos from the ride.

 So here we are out on a dirt road.  GPS took us to a unpaved road.  LOL  It got us there. 
 We made it. 
Paula and Russ Sunn ready to roll.  They were with the Corsa Cycling Club.
Lot's of people from lot's of clubs.
North Valley Ride Group
Chico Corsa Cycling Club, who hosted the ride.

 Well were almost off.  We had to pay a parking fee to the parking lot, which was 2 miles away.  There was no sign that said you had to pay and there were no directions.  The only way we found out was I saw a lady taking license plate numbers.  

 Gray Lodge is a beautiful park.
 Grumble grumble.   

Some body left money in a envelope out in the open, whoops, so we put it in the slot. 

 Headed back to the parking lot, to put the tags on the cars.
 Some of the Chico Corsa Club waiting to take off.
 Sarah volunteering as Sag.
 Lot's of people ready to roll.

 We headed out with some of them and then they regrouped with there riders.

 This guy documented me on the ride. LOL   Usually I'm the one taking photos not the one being taking photo of. LOL

 Lot's of tandem bike were in the group.
 By our selves now.

 Tiny tractors. 
 Another one.

 To of the very helpful volunteers for Chico Corsa rest area.
 Headed back out.
 This is not a real zebra it's a Zonkey!  Not joking.
 Lamas, sheep, goat, mini horses, hell they got every thing.
 The hills looked so soft.
Just before this shot a friend of mine on I love Cycling VIP passed and yelled out my name.  LOL  I head her, but it was like deer caught in the head lights.  LOL

 Admiring the beautiful trees.

 Almost back.
Just before this photo.  Jenni help two ladies with there flat tire. 
Jenni to the rescue.

 Home stretch.
 This is most of the cycling pack that came to Casa Lupe for lunch.   Super yummy.
 Jenni chowing down on her Mexican Pizza.

 Took a little break then headed back out with hubby.
 Hubby was a bit camera shy today so no front photos.
 Hubby when home after 13 mile. I kept going.
 Beautiful sun set.