Tuesday, May 5, 2020

52.54 MILE (5-4-2020) & A LOVELY DAY***************************************************************************************************************DONE

 Another great day.   112.66 miles done for May and only 887.34 miles left.  

And check this out We love cycling that is doing the interview is from Prague.  The Czech republic.  That is so cool and crazy at the same time. 
From what I learn is she found out about me through the grape vine.  People were talking about me and well interview.  
Crazy cool.

It's getting hotter and hotter, bit by bit.

I road my bike into the park, then right back out.   Dang a dee dang dang dang.  Way to many people.

 This is very thought full, someone on is giving away free mask.  Actually I've seen this more than once around town. 
 I love grass seeds.

 OMG this is furry grass.   Love it.
 This is one of the grass by it's self, so delicate.
 Lizard.   Lot's of big lizards all over the place.

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