Saturday, April 9, 2016


Well I think I should rename the blog.  Going no where fast while whining.  It's been over a full 7 days now.   My hubby suggested the stationary bike in the rec room,  I'm so glad I listened to him.   I got on and about 5 minutes into the ride my mouth started to throb really bad. :(   Being stuck up at the park in this condition would have been really bad. 

I might want to elaborate my on my poor mouth.  I had a tooth pulled.  Yeah no big deal, well at all the ends of my teeth their hooked like a fish hook.  So pulling it out is not easy.  They have to work it back and forth and back and forth. I could hear my jaw snapping, well you get the idea.  And eating on once side is really taxing,  I have two teeth on my low right side missing, so my gums are getting beaten to a pulp.
I think this is going to be my last post for a while until I'm fully healed.    Me rambling about my sorry mouth isn't fun.  I rather be rambling about cycling.   Hopefully I heal fast and be back out on the road.  

This is the exciting view from the stationary bike. Stunning isn't it.

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