Tuesday, June 21, 2016


I had my own X-File for the last two week.  Note: My hubby is completely immuned to getting zapped.  Well I'm not, sigh.   For the life of me I was like whats going on.   First I thought it was a bee, fire ant or some sort of insect'(s)  biting the ever loving tarnation out of the bottom of my left hand thight.   Yeah and it was weird too that it only happens on the left hand side of my thight and not the right.   Well I can tell you this much it really hurts, because it does not happen just one time, it happens about 4 to 5 times.   And it makes me scream.   Coming back down Neil Dow Road from Paradise really fast I had the pain and it's not like you can stop really fast with some one behind you.    When I did managed to stop, no bite marks, nothing.     Ok not bugs then what?  Next idea we go really fast, so maybe the lose rocks were getting caught in the tire and being flung under my thigh?    Well it make sense for a bit and then nope that not it either, because the whole way is nothing but lose rocks.   It would be happening a lot, in fact the whole way.     Next idea and this was the right one.  Finally I had a answer, but it's quite shocking.       It's the high voltage power lines.   When we cycled out to Butte College I got zapped going underneath the power lines and that is when I put to and to together.
But why my hubby is not getting zapped that the next mystery?   All I have to say he's just lucky.
 Here a link to copy and paste and understand the why and the how.

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