Sunday, July 10, 2016

HILL CLIMBING 2 7/10/2016 21.06 miles

Well my charm didn't work and my hubbies right.  The grade on our little hill is steeper than going up Neil Road.  So Hubby 1.  Me 0. 

Yay the road was closed off, so no unexpected cars veering around the corner.   But oh man their were a lot of people walking up and down the road. I mean a lot.   And we were getting the weirdest looks, because we were going up and down the hill over and over.  We did it about 5 times.    But I guess somebody my size isn't suppose to be able to do that.  And Mr easy rider, my hubby is just creaming me.  But the more I do it the better I'll get.    One lady we past several times that was walking up the hill said.  "Your riding up a really hard hill."        It is very hard.    And it's hard to believe at one time we avoided it.  Now were like here we come.

 I really enjoy seeing the kids faces when they see my Jersey.   Priceless just priceless.  A little girl with a huge smile on her face waved at me.   So I waved back.   Chris Jersey is on hold for now.  I think we should have some extra spending money at the end of August.  So I really can't wait.
Even thought the speedometer reads 19.95, it will probably read 21.06 give or take a few numbers.  Were not home yet.

 Had some more fun on the way back up thought the park.   We past a guy in the most decked    
out Jersey, shoes and in fact the whole enchilada.  He was bad ass.  Well  for all that he had he could not pass us.   I could hear him clicking though all this gears.   When we get dropped you know their professional.  This guy was not peddling easy and it took him a while to catch up with us. 
Yeah I have to admit racing is really fun.   I like it, Chris won't admit it but he likes it to.  

Side not I typed in Enchilada into Google to get the proper spelling and all these images came up.  It looks so good, I could even smell them.   nom nom nom.   But my version is going to     
 be toned down.   Less cheese.  Lot less cheese.

This is what Hill Climbing does to the average reading on the speedometer.

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