Today was not a good day for me, usually I would have done my ride earlier in the morning. Phhtttttttt. Not happening. I dropped my hubby off at class and flopped out like a bag of Lay's Potato chips. Note: I don't eat Lay's potato chips I just like using it as a expression. ;) I really had no desire to get on the bike. 2:00 came around and I was like I've got to do something. Pick up hubby who is up to his eye balls in home work, so we had something to eat and he dove into home work right away. So even thought I still didn't feel great I got on the bike and did the old stand by 12 miles and a extra three miles to fill in some errands.
The best part of the ride was a family of quail past in font of me. I love little quails.
Well today was the day for weird stuff to happen. On my way up to Horse Shoe lake their was a red car swerving all over the road in front of me. At one point pulling on the bike path. I rarely use the bike path any more and just stick to the rode. To many close calls and not to mention their these safety poles that stick up. Catch your peddle on one and it's over the bike thought the bushes. Don't plan to do that. Anyway the guy in the red car then back up all the way across the road, this is not so he can turn around, he then peels out and you can hear him cussing up a storm. I had to come to a stop that how erratic he was. He zooms up the hill to the parking lot and amazing parks. Their was a lot of people up there today so I felt safe. So I did one hill climb and got out of there. On the way back down I was thinking I hope I can get out of the valley before he decides to come down the road. So I was a little paranoid. Nothing like riding with a skizzoild driving behind you.
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