Sunday, December 18, 2016

26.74 miles 11/17/2016

Yippy road 26.74 miles today on the new bike.  I broke the ride in half 13.37 for the first ride took a break and did another one with no hill climbing.  Again it ride so smooth.   I felt like a happy ice cube riding my bike, it was so cold 48 degrees brrrrr.  Walking is one thing, but getting on your bike and riding when it's cold is another thing.  I was bundled up, gloves and a double layer of shirts. My nose was frozen, my face was frozen and did I mention I was frozen.  And yes before I did the ride I notice that their was ice and frost all over the place.   Hmmmm  wait a minute?   Yeah I'm a hard core cyclist now, I ride below the freezing point. ha ha.

I split the ride in half because my toes are going numb, so I got to figure out what going on.  I should really being wearing cleats on this bike, but I have watch enough videos, no no and did I mention no!   My arm's and leg's sometimes don't match up with the signals my brain tell them and I can't do cleats.  If you think my grammer and spelling are atrocious now?  it's going to get even worse after me doing a head dive to kiss the dirt.  So no cleats.  However I'm going to be looking for different shoes.  

For scarier news.  I almost wiped out.   On the way home from the first ride we went under a bridge path and as you can see all the flooding we've been having here the river has deposited a lot of mud.  Well I was not thinking the mud would be that bad or that deep.  On my old bike I wouldn't have blinked an eye the tire is wide and has grip.   I could not go around it and the moment I was at I had to go thought it.  :/     My tires have no traction their completely smooth.    And just to give you a idea how deep it was, if I were to steep into it, it the kind that would suck your shoe off.    Yes I did scream and yes I did slide and how I manage to stay on the bike is beyond me.  The sliding part was the worst.     Their were a few other spot were their was mud, but it had already been scraped off by the City's Parks Division with all the trees that fell over.   

On the second part of the ride at the 1 mile pool area, their was a guy in a Kayak taking advantage of the very strong water current coming over the break.   I hope he had warm cloth on.  

I hate people who have small dogs.  Let me clarify! I hate people who have small dogs that instead of gently pick the dog up, instead yank the dog off it's feet thought the air to get it out of the way.  These people have plenty of time to pick their dog up.    Little dog can suffer from damaged trachea's and other breathing problems and eating problems, because of this. Small dogs are very delicate.   I've seen people to lazy to pick their dogs up, use the chain as a way to pick the dog up with out bending over.    (Face Palm). 

Going to take a break today.   Maybe.  Or at least try to.  .....??   But my next ride is going to be with the Pain Cave. ;)   Who says your pain cave can't move along with you. 

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