Friday, October 6, 2017

EPIC 5 MILE RIDE (Coffee 5th)

Yeah I killed it tonight.   5 miles.    Jealous? You should be.  Anyone can ride over 100  miles, but riding 5 miles in one day is Epic.   I even cried as I road.  I would have taken selfies, but the suffering was so great, I want to spare you the epic break down.   Sorry no picture the suffering was that bad.   
Did I mention that I heal extra fast.  

Ok reality.   I messed up and missed the ride by waiting at the old meet up point.   No big deal.   One more day off the bike.   So yeah I am rested, but to be honest I was feeling a bit off,  even on the ride out there some thing was not right, because all day today I felt really tired.  But what ever it was has passed so I should be ready to go tomorrow.     I've watched all the videos North Rim sent me so I'm ready.   There is one little hick up which I hope get resolved.   For some reason even though my friend payed for my training and has the recipe.  I think North Rim got confused thinking the second person is her husband, but in reality it's me.  Well tomorrow it should get worked out.  

Here is what were going to do in Training tomorrow.  

24 mi, 200’

Skills: Double paceline - slow rotation vs single/double-side pull off
Left pocket drag
One hand, no hands
Durham Park - bump/lean, tire touch

Now for NS FIT.  

I got to meet Dave Klein who is the spin instructor, very nice guy with lots of help full tips.   I'm  going to join two of his classes a week and then mix in my work out.   Still trying to figure that out.  

The place is really nice, and it has every thing I need to do what I want and more.   I even played some racket ball, yeah I probably broke ever rule in the book, but I was having fun.  That have a stair steeper with stairs.  I already use it and it's nice.   They have medicine balls too.  That reminded me of when I was 7 and someone handed me a small medicine ball, at the time it never occurred to me that it was used for exercise, I was dumb founded I was like how can any one play with this, it's impossible.  I could hardly pick it up let alone throw it.   
Hmmm swimming....I've been thinking about it.   I can't remember the last time I was in the water.  Around 1994 or 1995.  

Annnnnnnnnddddd   I'm drinking small ice coffee, two days.   I'm trying to be good.  So let's see how long that last, if I get to a week I'll be happy.

On with the show.  

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