Thursday, February 8, 2018


To be honest I have no idea what this chart is really for.  Typing? Stroke 1, stroke 2.....???  
Well the reason I chose it was because it was the only chart I could find with 10%, 20% & 30% faster.
This sentence has been steadily ingrained into my head.  You'll could go 20 to 30 % faster.   Question do I want to go 20 to 30% faster?    So far I think I'm doing just fine.  I can hold my own when doing 70 mile ride last Sunday with the group or doing the Friday group rides.  As for the up hill it needs a little more work. 

As for a full leg work out, the Jacobs ladder contraption I've been working out, yeah that works out the whole leg.   That machine kicks ass literally.   I rode to Forest Ranch Tuesday , I was tired and sore when I got back down the hill, yet I was not breathing hard, my heart was not pounding or was I out of breath.  A four minute work out on that machine and I'm heaving and my heart is pounding hard.  
I've been doing a lot of thinking on my rides and I have to admit faster is fun, but I'm more interested in endurance, I want to reach my Goal of doing 200 miles in one day.    Little bites at a time and 110 will become 120, 130 and eventually 200.  
Here is the low down, if I can keep up with the group regardless of not having clips what should it matter.  I know everyone is hell bent on me having clips.   And yes I have fallen off the bike a few times now, but not while riding.  LOL   After I got down from Forest Ranch I went to get on the bike and my left leg that is my bad leg gave out, WHAM!  I just roll with it.   When I was 85 miles into my ride last Sun I had to hit the cross walk button to get the light to turn, well there was no room to turn the bike around, so I'm like I'll go over the curb, That didn't go as planned, the curb has a lip on it and the back tire got stuck and again WHAM!
 And if the being clip less doesn't drive everyone batty, how many people realize that my peddles are mountain bike peddles.   OMGAWWWD!    

Well in later news.  I add some bling to my bike chain necklace.  Each one represents 100 miles and the one all they way to the right is 110 miles, the ring represents 10 miles.   

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