Sunday, May 5, 2019


Great day for a bike ride.   Finally my cold is over and I can breath.  My sinuses are draining so believe me I was making some killer snot rockets.    But as long as I can breath I can ride. 

It's really funny to hear my name now being yelled out.  HEY SUSEN!  HI SUSEN!  I even got a salute today to.  

 Our group this morning lead by Jenni.

Just before this photo The Hass-enator flew by with his minion in close formation.  :)

 Here we go.
 Everyone decided to turn on Hicks lane, so Jenni and I were left alone to run amuck.
 My god there were so many cyclist out today.  
 Hey here Dino-Mite. 
 Dino-Mite is very shy, and he bites.   Say hi if you see him.
 On River Road really nice.
 Found a nice little bench with a beautiful view.

Wait what?  What do you mean no jumping.   

Jenni just broke out in Opera. "The Hills are alive with cyclist"   She's amazing.

 Exploring new areas, hidden in areas we pass a gazillion times.
 Really nice park, cool and shaded.
 Headed home.

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