Saturday, January 11, 2020


 Wow I really do feel special.  Was totally expecting to be working today and at the last minute a client decided to back out so this left me with a day off.  I said "Hey Jenni want to do a ride."  And she was like hell yeah.   But what make this even more special is that she made time to ride with me this morning because after she gets home she driving to the Bay Area to do the The 9 mile Hot Chocolate Run.

Standing by a pumpkin field.   
 Jenni at a pumpkin stand.   The stand must have been there for a while some of the pumpkins are rotting. 
 Cold and windy ride but still awesome.   
 Said good by to Jenni and kept riding.    The work is hard, but it's good.   I been commuting with the company an hour away to Colusa, it's so cold there.  A huge building is being finished up and were wet wiped the whole entire building, cleaning dirt and so much more off the glass.  Washing the walls,  make sure there is not a spot of dust any were.    The desk at these places are able to rise up and down.  so if you don't want to sit at your desk, you can raise your desk up.  I'm 5'9 and one of the desk was above my waist.  Make cleaning easier.  

On the way home yesterday  two turkeys were on the side of the road and decided to fly in front of the company van.  SHIT!    I almost thought I was going to have a bird in my lap.    It hit the side front part of the windshield on the passengers side. And broke the glass is two spots.  But dang the bird kept flying.  That's one tough Turkey.   The second bird lucked out.    

Pictures are out of sync, but oh well.  

Over cast windy and cold.
Mural on the way to Durham
Headed home.

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