Friday, May 1, 2020

18.07 MILES (4-30-2020) & A FUN DAY.*******************************************************************************************************************DONE

 Just a short fun ride today.
1,006 miles done.

WOW what a great short ride and there were a lot of great things to see.
At the start I saw a Little Green Heron, sorry no photos, because too fast and too far away.
 One of the many bridges here in Chico.
 I was too slow.  If I would have been faster I would have captured a cat and a squirrel looking at each other in very close proximity.  I don't think the cat was interested in eating the squirrel.  The squirrel stayed and the cat wandered off. 
 There was about 4 people out on boats on the little lake.
 A Gold nugget or Mariposa lily.   Beautiful and the bulb is totally edible.   
Some grass.   Can you spot the leaf hopper.  
Here he is.   TINY!
Back side.

A newly hatch lady bug.  I watch it crawl out of the shell.

 A larva looking for a spot to go through the transformation.
It weird how they go from long to this.
To this.
And wahlla lady bug.
This fence was teaming with lady bug in different stages of becoming lady bugs.  So cool.

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