Thursday, December 26, 2019


Dam, just not feeling it this week.  Between my migraine and just feeling bleh.
 Today was a great day.  I was feeling really good, so I hit the hills hard and did some hill climbing repeats.  Got to get my ass in gear for the January 2020 time trial.

Started today ride off with a flat and had to go over to Amain to get it fixed and was hit with a double whammy surprise.  I was gifted a new bib from Mike Castaldo!    (Thank you!!!) Then Amain didn't charge me for fixing the flat. (Thank you!!!!)   Dang!  
But I have to earn my bib.  It's a little tight.  When I first got my tiger jersey it was super tight now it fits.   

It was a windy with minimal gust today.  And it got really cold really fast at the end of the ride.

Took advantaged of new roads.  There a small little road to the right of me and it's awesome for up hill sprints.  Not too long, steep and short.  
Wow the butte were really visible from here. 

There are rock walls all over Chico, for keeping farm animals in.    I wonder how many get knock down by  ((((accident))) to accommodate building.

Is really sad that Chico will eventually become bigger and turn into a big city.   It's not that it won't happen, it will happen.

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