Wednesday, February 1, 2017

15.3 miles & 1.1 miles

 Bikes with my mother in-law Christine today.  :)   Here she is doing her sassy bike pose.  
We did 1.1 miles and that is nothing to scoff at.  Every one has their own pace and speed.  I reset my speedometer and let her take the lead, so we could figure out how far she is riding and how many calories she is burning.   She burned 110 calories.   :)

This is my third day of bike riding so I really need to take a break.   But I decided not to go to the Alps.  ;)        

This is one of the bike path that goes though a river bed.  However the water was not the problem.  See the debris line?   Here is what is look like close up.  
 Can't ride over this,  so I had to walk the bike over.   So wait?   Am  I know doing cycle cross?     LOL
Looking back up the path.   That's all rocks and debris.   I have a rode bike, so yeah I walked over that too.   

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