Tuesday, February 7, 2017

8.6 miles Airen (Brutial Windy Ride).

 It was a brutal windy ride today.   Yeah only 8.6 miles in 45:00.    Breaking records today. LOL

The weather forecast today:
63 degrees.   Not cold at all
Cloudy; breezy with a touch of rain; watch for flooding.   Yeah you could say their was flooding.   
 Yeah I forgot my camera,  however later today I going to drive back up their and take pictures.  
This is nothing the water came all the way to the raised bike path that skirts the edge of the park.
See the fence behind Chris head that the raised bike path.  The water is lapping all the way to their, no not that deep. 

   The wind was really whipping the bikes around.   A gust would come up and both Chris and I would start to get pushed off the bike path.  We decided not to ride thought the park, due to large parts of the road being covered in water, as well as a park sign posted flooding and high wind advisory.   With all that water more and more trees will be falling.

On our way out we had to get off our bikes and walk over a couple of small trees blocking that path.    But it was not raining.  ;)

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