Sunday, March 19, 2017

12.1 Miles

 Decided to do 12.1 miles today.   From my wait down I'm fine.  From the waist up I can feel that I've been off the bike.  Especially when we went up hill, dang.   Huff and puff it felt like the first time.    I did do some looksee loo about cycling with a sinus infection and light to moderate, I was ok on the bike, but I did not feel invigorated this time.  However I did read that light to moderate exercise can speed up the healing process, but not all out hard core.     
Well on the bright side my teeth don't hurt after a ride.  But if push on the left side along side my nose I can feel my one tooth is sore and inflamed, but not from a cavity.   Everyone is out
 and about, it so hard to wait till the 21st.   I'll break tomorrow.  But come Wednesday  I'm going to start trying to get back to were I was, moderate build up.   

Had a huge flock of Quail fly by,  <3 <3.   Ya!

This is actually a bit off I should be a lot more.  I forgot to put it on a couple of time. opps.

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