Monday, March 27, 2017

14.4 Miles Easy ride & Time to reflect on the 100 mile ride.

Took it really easy today.  Another nice day today kind of windy and chilly, but very pleasant ride.  Lot's of quail running around and the wild flower are starting to take off.  I love that.   Surprisingly my butt was back to normal and not to bad.  Caught another car driving on the bike, but this time I think is was a accident, because they quickly realized their mistake.  

The 100 mile ride was very intense, but something struck me.  When I did the 71 miles for the first time my internal homing device when off.  ~~Home go home time to go home.~~   This time that did not happen.   Just a interesting side note.       This time it was ~~~Keep going, keep going~~~  

Well I'm really proud of my self as my own trainer, because I did not hurt my self.  Maybe a sore arm and tush, but other wise I feel fine.   And I do believe soaking in the hot bath was the best part.  I read several forms about ice vs hot and to me hot is just more soothing and relaxing.     In my other post I'm felt like I was rambling with excitement with the wide eyed realization that I just did 100 miles.

I did not do it blindly,  I did take all my breaks, I ate breakfast.  At 60 miles I did go home to rest and have lunch for about a 1/2 hour.  Then jumped back on the bike.
Now considering I did 100 miles thought the park which is not a flat, I wondering how much faster I could do 100 miles on a flat ride.????      Yes I am contemplating doing another 100 miles, but not any time soon.  Don't want to kill my self.   The 60 mile Flat flower is going to be too easy, but maybe not like I said before I need more practice riding with people in large groups.    What I really hope is to find someone who  I can ride with so I can go out on further rides and my hubby isn't worried, he's been so busy in school he has not had time to practice with me.   So for now I park bound.    

Dreaming of my next big ride. 

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