Wednesday, August 23, 2017

33.3 MILES It was a half evil ride.

 Well put brand new batteries in my speedometer and dang didn't even have to wait for it to set.  As soon as I was done doing the clickee clickee with the buttons it was ready.   I had some old batteries in it.
Well now 33.3 in 2 hours and 22 minutes?   Are my stars aligned?  Just thought that was silly.

Road with the WOW group today really fun, my legs are a little sore.  
Toward the end of the ride I heard Kathryn yell SUSEN  SPRINT !       LOL    and well I did on a straight away.     25.5 miles an hour.   Wholly crap does that take it out of me.  After that I had coffee on the brain. 
After we got back to Chico we stopped by Has Beans and for happy coffee and a yummy peach muffin.  Moist and no mold. 
Well me being me.   Billy and I got the same muffin and well I was so hungry I was looking at her muffin like Gollum looking at the ring.     She about had to slap my hands.  LOL   Oh wait here's my goodie.  

Well I thought I was going to take a break tomorrow.    My friend Chris who is helping me with training is having a day to ride so I'm going to join her and do some more.  My butt sore, but I should be ok by tomorrow. 

I'm going to start to do like the Hawaiians do.  
What to the Hawaiians do?    My parents live their for 11 years and the Hawaiians eat a lot of vitamin e capsules.   The coral reef can be very jagged and sharp and when fishing of the beach you can get cut up really bad, which his friends did, but sense they ate vitamin e gel pills they would heal super fast.   No I don't have gashes and huge cut's on me, but I do have a few sore and pinch spots.   And no I'm not eating handfuls at a time.  Just one a day should be fine.     Nothing like a vitamin e capsule smoothie.  LOL

Friday hmm going to really think about doing that ride.    It's hill climbing.   My back is better, than it was.  I guess it will all depend how I feel after the ride tomorrow.  


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