Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Well bummer.  Was doing fine and dandy after the Centerville ride, I has a slight back ache and sore legs.   But it turned into a full blown back spasm when I sat down in a chair the next day.  😨    Not fun.   And what make this worst is my legs are go go go and my back is no no no. So I feel super crappy.    I'm on muscle relaxers which is helping.   Can't wait for this to be over.    So my break might be just a little bit longer.   

 I got the 5th degree from hubby for not stretching, so yeah need to stretch more, then I should be good as new.

And here is another excellent reason to keep a cycling journal, you can keep track of all your aches and pains.    The last time I had a ache on the bike was my numb feet, which I cured by getting bigger peddles.  

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