Thursday, March 22, 2018


I guess I fell off the wagon.   I been comparing pictures of my self and yes I'm not going to say I haven't gain weight, I've gained weight!   It's my own fault, when I get stressed out it hit the coffee.
Another thing is I kind of been slacking on the gym. February I was on fire with the cycling and kept putting the gym off to ride.   March  (......)  March? .....ha ha ha ha.  March sucks for riding.  But big deal, I had work, work is good.  But I do miss the riding when I'm 5 inches painting away in front of glass.   

 Some of my work in Marysville.

Coffee is my down fall. :(   And were not talking about straight black coffee.   It's a vicious cycle.  I have been good for month on end with drinking ice coffee, then fall head first and fall right back into my old habit.  
I can logic the fuck out of why I should not drink it and all that jazz, but when it come right down to it I really can't control it. 
Move on, that's all I can do.
But considering I can still move like lightning, don't mess with the fat chick on the bike.  She'll Chick you, except for at the Chico Stage Races.  LOL

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