Friday, March 16, 2018


Volunteered for the Chico Stage race today, by applying stickers to baggies and setting up barriers.  
I was working with two other people and these stickers were a pain in the toot kiss to unpeel.  I found a way to do it and was off like lighting.   
Really fun group to work with, we were also stuffing our faces with pizza and drinks as we suffered with the stickers.  And we all got a free T-shirt.   Now there a race, ride 100 miles and at the finish line you have to unpeel 100 of those stickers before you can win.   LOL   
So very nice evening spent with lovely people.   I also stayed to set up some barriers to alert people not to park at certain areas.  After our hard working setting up the barriers we were treated to a drinks at the Panama Bar, by a nice gentleman.
   Wow I have not been down town Chico at night in such a long time, it was like entering a different world.  I was seeing thing anew for the first time.   And I stepped into a bar tonight.  It's been 22 years sense I walked into a bar.   WOW!  The last time was in Vancouver Washington and it was only for Line Dancing.   If everyone thinks I'm a bad ass for cycling in the rain.  You have never seen me on the dance floor.   LOL  But OMG I'm so out of practice I would probably fall on my face.   I was a avid line dancer.   It was really fun and it was at a bar that was ritzy, this bar was high end as bars go, almost like a Vegas style.   The bartender hated me because I was the only one who asked for water.   He got to the point he would say water in a manner that said, grrrrr.  LOL    
So tomorrow I volunteer again and actually put the bags on the meters.   
As for riding I would have ridden today but my hubby accidentally locked me out of the house. :(  And by the time I picked my up from class I when to the meet up point to volunteer.    
So let see what happens tomorrow.   

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