Monday, September 3, 2018


 Great day for a ride, but then every day is a great day for a ride.   Just me and my bike going in circles.
No sprinting today, my lower back was a little sore.

Nothing that exciting other than a guy in his huge truck turning around in the road in front of me, he did see me and he did wait for me to go by behind him.   Then as I was riding away I heard metal crunching metal.   He gunned it forward and hit a park car.  

 My two wheeled friend that goes with me every where. 

There is a 200 mile Club ride coming up and even a 300 mile one.  I'll pass on the 300 mile one, but the 200 one I'll try.   And I want to challenge my self.  Hell if I get to 110  again I'll be happy, if I get to 120 I'll be ecstatic!  If I get to 200 I'll pass out, literally.
So well see what happens.   But at least I can say I tried. 

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