Saturday, September 8, 2018


Chris new bike is coming in two days and he so excited.   And it's a Greenish yellow?  And it's looks nothing like the one before.!   Well we ordered the other (BLUE) bike and it came back as out of stock.   Uggghhh!  So of course that bike was not available, so hubby was heart broken.    So I checked in with the Diamond Back sight that previously had no sales on the type of bike Chris wanted.  And well bingo I checked on more time and 1 Wildwood Diamondback in stock. YAY!   So we ordered it and got it for only  $174.95     That a deal.    It retailed for $349.99.    So finally hubby has a bike back.   I tried to get him to look at other bikes, but he love his Diamond Back.    And the next thing were going to get is a helmet.    

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