Tuesday, October 30, 2018


 Well FUCK!  This is a really be FUCK! 
I went over to my mom's house to talk a bit and my step father has a mobile EKG that allows him to track his heart rate. He's has had several heart surgery's.  So just for shits and giggle he hooked me up and I did it.   He also sent the results in and well they came back and it said I had something called Sinus Tachycardia.   So as soon as hubby looked it up, he was like your not getting near that bike until we figure this all out.  So crap.  And oh there more, the coffee might have to go to.   It's just keeps getting better. (being sarcastic)
 Great sore ride today.  
On yesterdays ride I lost some skin underneath my thigh from shafting,  the all square shapes that make it look funny.  But it really hurts.   I slap a waterproof band aid on it and was this will help.  Well it did last time.  Well this time it did not. OUCH!    
 Off we go with the great women from Wow, this time there was only 4 of us, so it was a mini WOW. 
 LOL  We so bright we GLOW. 
 There they are.

 Are we there yet.  I'm so sore and my right leg was starting to cramp up.    Did I mention is was windy.  The whole ride was going into the wind. Oh joy. 

 Yay were home.  I've got another 2 miles to get home.
 So oh well move on. 

Monday, October 29, 2018


 On my way to meet up with my friend Lena who's driving me to the meet up point.  
This poor persimmon tree has taken a licking and it still producing persimmons even after the tree basically fell apart.  But look how small they are.
 Cherry persimmons.
 Loading up and ready to head off.
 At the meet up.  We were a tad late and the first group took off with out us, no big deal.

 off we go.

 Going through down town Corning.

 Most of the ride look like this, never ending roads. 

 Caught up with one of the other groups. 
 Group Shot. 
Yes I'm here.  LOL

 Now headed back to Orland CA

 Time to nom. 

 My average speed so far.
 After noming time to head back to the park.
The head wind was really strong.  We were going 11 to 12 mph all the way back.

 No that not cocaine.

 Were back.
 GRRRRRRRR  We battled the wind and won.