Tuesday, October 23, 2018

12.56 MILES A FLAT & (@#!?&*#)

 Well the beginning of the ride started off really good I was ready for a long ride.  I love my tiger jersey, it fits, but it's been so tight I can get it on, but I can't get it off.  LOL.  Well something happened I put it on and this time it was easier to get off.   So if I can escape from it I can wear it.  LOL

True story I put it on one time and was also wearing a bib.  Well I got home and I could not get the dam thing off. I was trapped. Hubby had to rescue.   LOL   Where have I lost weight I have no idea. 
 Tumble weeds in three stages.
Far left growing and alive.
Middle dying and drying out.
Far right tumbling along. 
 I've been riding up this way a lot and it seem each time I do there is stuff all over the place or the gate is in different positions blocking the gavel path.

 All better.

Well all was going fine until I noticed that my ride had a slight bounce to it.  (???)    That's not right, got off and my back tire is low.   Not low enough yet, so I made a B line right home.   By the time I got less than 1/2 mile away I decided to walk the bike home, didn't want to ride on the rim.
So 12.56 miles is better than no miles.
My last tube.  

 It took me 20 minutes to get the tire off the rim.  Grrrrr Still not easy.   Pumped up the tube I took out and work it over looking for the hole.  Well holy shit it was a pinch flat, but it was so frickin tiny, but it was losing air fast.  WOW.
So now we get into the realm of (@#!?&*#) below.
Ok pumping the new tube was ok.
Getting the tire back on was ok.

 It took me 1 hour and 5 minutes to get the tire seeded.  FUCK! fuck Fuck fuck fuck.  Yes I know that a lot of fucks.......but seriously FUCK!
My hand are so sore and my left arm is useless.
I felt like I was chasing my own tail.  To keep the tire from coming out I used the yellow bar and wedged it in there.  
 Arrrhhhhh!   So close and yet so far.
 Screaming.   I managed to split my thumb nail. Yes I did put some skin in the game again.

 This is me going feral as I was doing fucking battle with this tire. 

 Ha taking off my shoes I notice that I had grind-ed the tire into my legs, on both sides. 

So 1 hour and 30 minutes to change a flat.  :(  
That's not good.   Now I think after a 70 mile ride if this happened I would literally taking it out on the bike tire.  Grrrr.     

Ha a new low record.  This was partly due to walking home.

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