Sunday, October 28, 2018


 What a awesome ride today.  Jenni invited me to do her adventure ride and I'm so glad I did.    The weather so perfect, it was overcast, but it was not at all cold.  I wore my jacket to start off the ride, but quickly realized that it was way to warm to wear.  
Can you see the bike path, it's there.  Really.

 Because I took off a little early, I was able to explore and stop on the bridge and take a picture.  When I ride with the Friday group ride or the WOW group were always on the roll, so no stopping. 
 Look at that beautiful sky full of clouds.  I'm in love.
 LOL   This was on my way to the park, how in the hell can I not take a picture of this. 

ptttsss....The perfect man does not exsit's neither does the perfect women.   But if you except each other flaws and idiosyncrasies the perfect couple can exist.
 Arriving at the first meet up spot waiting for Jenni.
 Squeeee Mushrooms & Wild strawberry plants. 

 Some Mallow.  Totally edible, but it better to wait till spring when the leaves are young and tender.  Good for salads and soups.  But sparingly, because this is considered a medicinal plants. 
 Looks like the little fairies forgot there party hats.  Some sort of fungus. 
 Wild straw berries plants.  
And the wild paper clip.   I lucked out big time on finding this.  My camera stalled and the only way to reset it is by using a pin or paper clip to stick into the tiny hole and reset it.   I found it in the park.  

 On the other side of the park were a whole bunch of tree stumps that were carved into Bears and Eagles. 

 This was supper cool marble bench from the 1800's. 

 Another cool carved bench.
 Hmmm wonder what this is?  After eating a bunch of them..........No I did not!    LOL

 Lot's of them.  I have no idea what these are.
 YAY!  Here Jenni and off we go.

 Headed off to the second meet up point were here friend is waiting.
 And here we are.
 Off we go.

 Moooo Cowwwws.
 Taking a little break. Women with cameras what do you expect.
 After saying good bye to Jennies friend at the gas station we both headed back to the park.
 All my self now.  I said good bye to Jenni at the park and am headed home now.
 One of the bike paths I took home.

Up next a 65 mile ride with the WOW group, Hosted by Pam. 
If your wondering that is not a beer belly I tucked my jacket under my jersey. LOL

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