Saturday, February 16, 2019


 What a fantastic day. 
 Clouds were large and beautiful and moving fast.

 Extra puffy.
 Well now.   At this point I kind of was like I better go back home and get suited up a little more.
 WOW look at the color of the branches so beautiful.
 Hmm someone getting drenched.  So far not me.

 Went back and think I got a better photo of the Chrysalis.  I still love both shots, but this one is a bit more crisper.

 To show you how incredibly small these are.  There was a lot of people milling around so I waited till everyone was gone to take the pictuers.   

 Well the moon is in this shot with the rainbow over it.    And at this point of the ride, yes I did get rained on.

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