Sunday, February 10, 2019


 Today was the BOMB! Excellent fun and all around beautiful weather.  And it make up for the fact that I missed the Love Ride.

 The WOW group getting ready to roll out.

 Were all bandits at heart.

 I really like this shot.  But got in trouble because I was road side. The cars were minimal and I was watching.  

 Headed up Neil rd to Wayland.

 I really took it easy.  At least Neil rd has long steady up hill with down hills here and there.   I'm watching every one drop me.
 Bye Bye.

 The Sutter Buttes.

 Wow look at the mountain range.
 I was dropped really bad on this ride, several riders passed me like I was standing still.
 Headed home.
And here we have a Guinea pig...............WTF.
Well as it turns out this little girl Guinea pig is a pet and it's free range.  And apparently she a social butter fly with the neighborhood cats and kids.
But coming around the corner and seeing this I was like who slipped me the micky.
 Am I done.  NOPE! I'm just getting started.  That was the warm up ride. 
 Getting ready to go on Jennies Adventure ride. 

 Some one converted a vintage gas station tank into a mail box.  So cool.  And the person takes care of it.  It's super clean and maintained.

 Wide eye'd and bushy tailed.  DAM! the sun's going down.

 Poor hubby get so worried about me, he came after me.   He road home with me.

I'm not over 6,017 miles on my speedometer. 

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