Happy Halloween or as I like to call it Happy take candy from a stranger day! LOL Poor kids have it rough, don't talk to strangers, don't take candy from strangers and don't sit on strangers laps. Oh wait that's what all the holiday are about. And to top that off if they're religious then they have to worry about some creepy invisible dude who's watching their every move to see if they been naughty or nice. Oh wait that Santa and Jesus at the same time.
Way too much pressure for little brains to figure out. But forget everything CANDY!!!!!!
Oh man I must have pulled something on my right lower side, riding was fine except for every once and a while I be like oh gee ouch. But I wanted to get to 40 miles. I been really lacking on the long rides. I have a feeling I might have hit the comfort bike a little to hard, and this is were my side pain is coming from.
Yeah so what I didn't make it to 500 but I got to 366.67 miles for this month. Any miles is better than no miles.
And then theres this dude just sitting on a swing and starring at you. Creepy.
Oh up date the bride and grooms skeletons. Well check this out I road by again and there is a new sign beside them. The couple that lives in the house is getting married next Halloween 2020.
In later news I broke a new speed record for entering and leaving a cul de sac. 15 mph. Whooo hooo. I have to gun it going into the cul de sac then stop peddling because I have to lean over so far to get out. I've been stuck at 14 mph for the longest time, but finally got to 15 mph for the whole turn and leaving. WHOOOSH!!
Well I found a new flat route I wanted to try out, it goes right through the new apartment area were day camp coffee is. And I did huge laps back and forth. 2 laps is 14.85 miles.
I did 14.85 miles in 1 hour
This is my average speed the first 2 laps.
Average speed went down a little.
Getting home.