Saturday, October 12, 2019


Thanks to Steve from Pullins Cyclery for letting me ride a loaner bike.  

Hey I'm back on a comfort bike.  And wow was it bouncy!  LOL it has suspension.
On my bike I can usually I can tell when I have a flat because the bike will beginning to bounce, so yeah it was kind of funny going up and down, giddy up, it was like I had a flat the entire ride. LOL  But no flat,   And hey a kick stand! Whats that!

Dang that seat huge and it was very soft.  
 Waiting for hubby to come out. 
 I've probably mention this before, but dang!  I did my first 71 miles on a comfort bike and went to Paradise... LMAO!   What on earth was I thinking.  

This bike is not a 11 speed like my bike.  So I could only go up to 7 on the right side and 3 on the left.  My legs were going 100 miles an hour, and the bike was not moving very fast.   You know how a dog starts running on a linoleum floor and can't get any traction, that was me.   I did a sprint and well it was sad.  I don't know if it's because the bike is heavier, or I'm just so use to the higher gears.    

No photos while riding.  No no and no! 


So just a small ride today.  But never less a ride.

Taking a break on the bench.  


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