Friday, October 4, 2019


 Boy today almost did happen.  I been wigging out.  No wigs were harmed. 
This is the second half of my ride today.  I started the first half with the Friday group.
 Here they are.  This is this morning.  I should have worn my tiger jersey I was feeling like a caged tiger ready to do some mauling.  Well I decided to maul Humboldt.  Nothing like having cycling mauled on the the side of Humboldt. 

My camera is at full to the brim.  I keep on having to delete so I can add more pictuers.  But on my ride this morning nothing worked out, after these few photos I could not take any more and no more videos. So I have to clean out the memory so I can start again.

The morning rides was short and sweet only 17 miles and then I road with hubby to add on some extra miles.

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