Friday, March 27, 2020


 Finally can sit down and blog.   Been window painting like a mad woman.  

This was last Wednesday.  

It was not a fast ride but it was a awesome ride.

Only 239.78 miles into this month.  But that ok, I'm busy.
 Started out with hubby.  
 Oh wow poor hubby is not used to riding in the rain and we even got hit by a little hail.   My hubby now is officially a bad ass. 
 Oh no my bike seat is wet.   LOL
 I spy a rainbow. :D
 Were both soaked. 

 Hubby decided to go home and I kept riding.  The cloud and sun were so beautiful.
 Icing on the cake.    WOW   She stayed there for a few minutes so I could take a photo then just meandered off.

 Wild Cucumbers are growing all over the park.   But this are not edible kind.    

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