Monday, December 12, 2016

DAY 2 Of riding.

Not as wobbly as I was on the ride home.   Didn't take it out on a long ride, just around the block or maybe a mile or two.   This time I wore gloves, made holding on the bar easier.   The biggest difference between the two bikes is my old bike I maintain a up right sitting position, the new bike make me lean way forward and down.    This is what I have to get use to.   I'm use to having my hands on the breaks all the time with the old bike, with the new bike I three different options and only two of them allow me to rest my hands on the break.     Another thing is I've got freaking huge feet, I wear a size 11 in women's and a size 12 in men's.  Yeah I tend to like men's shoes because their actually more comfortable on my toes. On the way home I had to ride pigeon toed, because my heels were hitting the back.   Today it was better and I didn't hit the back once, but still have to get use to the whole feel of the bike.   And another thing I have to consider logically I need to lose more weight.   I ended up gaining 8 pounds over this month.  Oh well at least it's not 20 to 25 pound. But I can see being thinner would help.   My old bike seat is aligned to my hip bones for greater comfort, the new bike seat is not and I can really feel it, but then again it's new.  Being on the new bike it is making me work different muscles and I feel I'm putting more weight on my legs and my toes.  After a short ride I can really feel it.    So I guess just more practice and it won't be that bad.   Other wise I'm still very excited.  All I have to do is do my home work by watching videos on how to take care of my bike, so it dose not end up looking like my old bike and a lot more practicing.    

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