Sunday, March 10, 2019


 Great ride today with Jenni as we wound our way through the fields of Almond blossoms.    It looked like snow.

I'm glad I didn't do the Scrambled legs ride, because my legs were not up to par, and I didn't cough that bad, but I was hacking a bit.  
 Waiting at the meet up. 
 The weather was looking really foreboding at the beginning of the ride.
 Off we go. 

 It's really not that hard to spot  me on a bike ride. 
 We got rained on a little from rain clouds.  Nothing bad.

 Headed home.

 Well now I've lived in Chico for 30 years and for the first time I had no idea were we were.  lol.  
 All the dark clouds cleared up and it was smooth sailing going home.

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