Sunday, March 31, 2019


This was also yesterday, after the ride to Table Top mountian.

 The email says to come at 6:00 PM.   People showed up at 5:00 PM.  (??)  So I was on time and late at the same time.   But wait next year I'll show up at 5:00 PM and every one will show up at 6:00 PM, just wait!    It's Murphy's Law!
Well I finally managed to find the group hiding behind the pizza shop.  LOL
 Bagging meters, to close off the roads so the riders are safe.
I was given bags but, all the meter's were already bags.  What?????  I bag a few, but was starting to feel like I not really doing nothing.   All the signs and what not were already in place.  So feeling a little weird.  It was like every thing was already done.  Then when I finally found a row of meters that were not bagged I was like ok I'm earning doing volunteering, nope!  As I'm bagging one meter a random car pulls up and man and women get out and the guy said give me two bags and I'll bag them for you!  Ok?   Then he come back and ask for more.   LOL    He end up bagging the whole row for me.   I was not going to stop him, if that is what he wanted to do.   Me the free loading volunteer.  

 Still a bit sore and tired from the Table Top mountain ride.
 There were these group of people just standing and staring, don't know what they were up to.  LOL  No these were the rest of the volunteers talking about what to do next. 
 Well I did it, going into my second bar in Chico with in 30 years of living here.   
This is Duffy's.
About 8 people showed up for free drinks at the bar.   Me of course don't drink, I got a non alcoholic drink. 

Everyone was sitting in the dark so the pictuers were well too dark. 
What the first bar? It was the Panama for the exact same volunteering last year. 

 Here is what I was suggested.  A Ginger Muller.  So much ginger in fact it put's chest hair on you.   WOW!  It was good, but it burned my tongue really bad, in fact so much it stung.    I drank it half way down.  But my poor tongue was on fire.
Pool?  My first game of pool. LOL
 My challenger.
I guess by luck or chance I won.  I really don't know how, but he said I did, so I'll take his word for it.  

And today I'll be back out there volunteering.

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