Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Alrighty then.  I'm back and the tooth is gone!   But holy shit storm bat man.......ughhh  I went 14 days with out sleep, because of the pain and the fact that pain kills don't work on me.   Now talk about sleeping hard, I passed out.  But body is telling me I'm not done recovering  from this.  I woke up and my back was so sore, hell everything was sore, and I am groggy.   I wanted to do a small ride today, but no.  It was absolutely beautiful with the way the clouds were. 
But just WOW! I really lucked out on getting it takes care of sooner.  The other Dentist was willing to let me wait for someone to drop there appointment to be seen and it happen the very next day.   Other wise I would still have to wait another week and five days.  Glad it's all over.  

 However I doing a ride this
 Saturday with Jenni who is suffering from abuse deprivation.  She generally starts to fade if she can't verbally abuse me.  So in order to keep her going she needs her time.

In later news I'm going to be volunteering for the Down town Crits again.   Fun fun fun.  :)
 Spring has sprung.  I've lived in Chico for 30 years and on the mark these light blue little flower pop up when it's spring, like clock work. 
 And they only grow in this particular area, I've been all over Chico and have not seen them any were else. 
 I love clover.    Over my life time I have found 3 wild four leaf clovers.     1 in Germany and 2 in Chico.   But here's a tid bit.  There actually pretty common. 

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