Tuesday, May 24, 2016

5-23-2016 SLOW & EASY 12 miles

My Hubby left me in the dirt yesterday, but it was ok.   He did the 12 mile loop fast, while I took it nice and easy.  And today we both did absolutely nothing.   On our break days we do walks or hikes, to keep our legs happy.   Sitting down is almost impossible because like I said our legs own us.  They will literally tell you when you need to get up and move around and if you don't they scream at you till you do.

Table top mountain is 47 miles round trip, and it's has a killer up grade.  When we get more toned maybe we'll try it, but not now.  Going to Paradise has a  killer up grade, but round trip is only 27 miles.  We done it before and I would like to try it again.  And mind you we did have to walk up the steep parts.   Here some pictures from our picnic today.   

We decided to go up to a place called Table Top Mountain it was so nice and the weather was perfect. Nice big clouds were passing over, so we were in the shade more than the sun.   

 Hiked up a ways to a grove of trees where their were lot's of thistle, prickly but beautiful.


  Hubby and I looking for Lizards. 
Found one.

And another.  This guy must have just eaten a big meal, he let us get really close to him.  They normally don't like to move after they have eaten.

Looking back at the grove of trees.  

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