Monday, May 30, 2016

5/29 & 5/30 12 miles

Did a hard 12 mile ride with hubby.  Going fast is fun. :)    We kept our speed between 17 and 20.

I picked up a very large hitch hiker with wings and it had a very large body. eeeee I don't know what kind of insect it was, but it was as long as my index finger and it was on my arm.   So I had to flick him off, that bug was too big and he look like the ones who bite.   I've been bitten before by a kissing bug and oh do they hurt like a (*).  Bee stings now seem like nothing now.

Between the bugs, squirrels, dogs and random people, we always have to keep on our toes.  But the bugs get in your eyes and mouth.  Yuck!

Some happy news.  I'm (Finally) off my weight plateau of being 255 forever.  But I learned something you can maintain the same weight and still drop 3 pants sizes.  I did not know this, until it happen to me.  I maintained 255 right thought size 16, 14, 12.   That kind of really weirded me out until I look into it more.    I am now 253.

Yes we took a break today.  A coffee break. :)
 Drove up to Paradise to Coffee's On.
I had a Ice coffee and hubby had a White Chocolate Mocha.
There coffee is well worth the drive.

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