Wednesday, May 18, 2016

BACK BEHIND BARS! 18.23 miles *

Handle bars that is.  Ok well writing about health isn't my thing.

Five weeks later and I'm back behind bars were I want to be.   Feel so good.
My hubby and I have been doing about 12 to 13 miles for two days, then we do a break. Today we did 18.23 miles and burned 989 calories.  

You think that after that long of a time we would be cooked.  Nope our legs were singing opera and yes they do remember and yes they are very happy.
  Road out to one of our favorite spots for watching lizards and instead of lizards we found tiny frogs.  So so cute.  And he blends in so well with rocks.  No froggies were harmed in the making these pictures. 
The joy of riding let you experience nature in a way that being in a car or motorcycle you can never really appreciate.  Well I hope to do a lot more posting.    Slow and steady wins the race.  So slow and steady here I come.  :)

They drained all the water out of 1 mile and are cleaning it, looks weird with all the water gone.

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