Thursday, September 21, 2017


 The weather is so nice and cool.  Took a easy 12 mile ride before hubby got home.    On my way to the park this weird looking car is coming toward me.  I'm like what the fuck is that?    Then it suddenly dawn on me it's the google car.   I got googled, by google.  LOL   So I should show up on google maps.  LMAO     I read that it can take awhile.  Right now on the same road there is another cyclist, but it's not me.   So I'm going to check, here and there.    It's not every day you find your self on google maps.  LOL
When hubby got home he was feeling like he wanted to take a longer ride out to the airport, so I did another ride to make it a total of 31 miles.    Hubby did about 17 miles.  :)   He decided he wanted to push him self today.  

Well I'm past 400 miles.  To be exact I just reached 418.6.  😎 

On the 30th there is a ride up Lassen National Park.  I really want to do it.   But it might be a little too expensive for me.  Well I've got 8 days to see what happens. 

 2 hour 15 mintues
 13.9 average
 24.5 max
 1870 calories
6.1 Co2

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