Thursday, September 14, 2017


A few week back I lost number crunching for all my rides on my note pad.  Uhhhgggg!  So I went out and bought my new i-pad, which is drop proof and never has to be charged and will never crash.  
Well the first time I number crunched I did it pretty fast maybe too fast, because I missed a lot of ride times.  This time I opened each ride date and read every thing and new ride time were popping up, because some times I would take two rides in one day, so I got some eye openers.  

Remember when I got excited about getting to 418.2 miles in July 2017.  he he   Well that nothing compared to what I did in May 2017.   In May I road a total of 514.98 miles.  Holy shit. I checked it a couple of times to make sure I had did every thing right so yeah I killed it in May!    And in August 2017 uhhhhggg!  I almost reached 500 again.  I got to 490.6, all I needed to do was 10 miles more, but the data was wrong and a lot lower.    Considering I am kind of glad the note pad got deleted or what every happened to it.   It made me slow down and rework the number more slowly.   

So here we go.

I have ridden 4,814.78 miles sense 4/2/16

(3,235.99 on the Airen Diamond Back bike alone.)

From 4/2/2016 to 4/30/2017 (In one year) I have ridden 2,756.17 miles

So what I'm doing now is subtracting  *May 2017 to September 2017 ⇒ from the first year.

2,756.17 -  *2,036.5 =  719.69 miles left to beat my last year record of  2,756.17.   Getting close.  

As the crow flies it's 3,200 miles across the Untied States.  I found several different miles and chose this one, it came up the most times.  

4,814.78 - 3,200 =  1,614.78.    So I've crossed the United States once.  If I'm headed back have
1,585.22 miles left. 

I'm still working on hours, average speed, Max speed and calories.    

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