Tuesday, September 12, 2017


 And yes I made it all the way to the store.  And yes it was a hard ride.  My tights were burning from the 100 mile ride I did last Wednesday.   And guess what I'm going to do tomorrow?   I'm riding to Paradise with the WOW group.  😁    Let the suffer fest ensue. 

So far every ride I've done up there is funny, there is consistently things scurrying in the bushes along side the road.   But being me I keep expecting a large deer or cougar to leap out.  So it's a little unnerving.   The cars are unnerving too.  Up toward the top had one pass me just a little too close for comfort.  I jumped it was so close.    Well at least no one flipped me off this time.   I got a toot toot from someone going the other way.   I'd rather get a toot toot.    

On my to the meet up spot I was coming down the path quite slow and there was this little boy and as soon as he saw my Jersey with the cookie Monster on it, he got this great big grin on his face and started waving at me. So cute.  

 Going up hill makes your average speed go way down.

 And going down hill make your max speed go way up.  LOL   Went slower this time.

 My new i-pad.  Isn't it beautiful.  Drop proof, never has to be charged and it has multiple screens and crazy storage.   Logging in all my rides from this blog.  

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