Thursday, December 21, 2017


 Starting to feel it in my back calves.   But like I said soon as I get off the bike I'm fine.   Joining the Friday Group Ride tomorrow, so let see what happens.    I was able to do 27 miles today because I did 50 yesterday.   So technically I only have to do 29 miles till the end of the month.  But in order to get the Gift card I got to do 35 miles a day.   Starting on the 25th.    The ride today was a bit taxing, I was totally surprised that my average speed was 13.1, because I was going pretty slow.  Going up toward horse shoe lake there was a wind, not a strong wind, but enough and at Wild wood park even a stronger wind.

And at the park were they replaced all the picnic tables they also put new BBQ's pretty cool.   

 So yeah!  My 8th day non stop and did I mention that it getting really chilly.   While I was resting here I noticed a lot of activity on Monkey Face so I took a few pictures and ooo la la.  
 I really don't know what is going on, but there is feet and arm sprouting out from what appear to be two couples.  LOL   And yes there all making out except for the sad girl sitting by her self.  Awkward.   Shame on me... well actually I could not tell until I looked closer at the pictures.  It's two very hot couple make out sitting very close to one another.    And it looks like the guy off to the right is saying to his daughter let's go the other way, because they never did make there way to the spot.  
Yeah You caught red handed.   They spotted me. 
I should have yelled.  I know your MOM!   LOL  

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