Thursday, December 14, 2017

50 Miles & Feeling Great

 Great ride today, started out warm then got a bit chilly.    Suck to the park and rode over toward Sky way just to break things up.   Did a weigh in today wanted to see how much I actually gained.  A whopping 6 pound.  So yeah I'm not that worried, that will come off easily.  
Started out my ride with a elderly lady giving me the crazy finger swirl, using both fingers and pointing at me.    Rolling my eyes.    Today ride was not about going fast, nor did I do any sprints.   I'm just going to chip away at 549.28  miles I have left.    Going to join the Friday group ride tomorrow for a nice up hill climb.

Grand total for miles on bike's 5,644.28, sense 4-2-2016.
On the Airen alone I have put 4,264.05 miles.  

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