Sunday, December 24, 2017


  Well I really do need to take a break today.  My legs are like go go go, but I'm starting to feel it, my little flags are going off.  So if I'm off my goal, big fricken deal.  8 months is still killer.   As long as I keep moving forward that's all that matters.  And another thing I started to get a sore throat from riding in the cold air.  So more riding = doing what is right and taking a break.   Pushing your self hard is good, but people can push them selves right over the edge and when you do that, guess what your off the bike and your not riding, because your recovering.  So it's all about balance, ride, push your self hard and knowing your limit so you don't hurt your self.    In 5 years of cycling I have only hurt my self once and that was doing to much up hill riding at once.  My lower back seized on me.  So what did I do?  I am now a member with NS Fitness and am working on building my core strength.
My sprinting has really suffered at the end of the year, before I could maintain a high speed for a lot longer, right now LOL I can get up to 25 mph, but I'm struggling.  That can be worked on.  And did I mentions doing 10 day straight of cycling make your thighs feel 100 bigger than they really are. Holy shit, I feel like I'm walking around with barrels.   I always in awe of people who can do 65 to 75 miles a day continuously.  Me and my meager 33-40 miles with occasional 50 mile hick ups. Yeah I'm not there yet. 
I managed to ride 391.5 miles in 10 days.   So if I were headed across the Untied States and could maintain this it would take me 10 months of riding. Yeah!
Well I'm a little confused, the scale told me I gained weight, I must have lost weight and gained muscle, because I grabbed a pare of pants randomly, put them on and was like oh this one has a hole in the pocket....?.....Oh geee these are my size 12's.. Whaa...?    So like Wow!  That is why I'm having a wardrobe malfunction, everything is supper lose. 

 I'm planning to get back to the gym, soon and start hitting the spinning class like I wanted to, but like I said don't want to over do it.  I still got 10 months of work out time with the Gym.  :)   

 I'm really excited to what 2018 cycling adventures.   I really hope the WOW group does another ride at Turtle Bay, that was really fun.  But this time we'll all be a little more careful on the way home.   If anyone is hard core it's Billie.  Riding 8 miles with a broken wrist and bleeding from her accident.  But she's all fixed up and back out there.  I was happy to see her again.

Got to ride in really strong wind with the Friday Group ride, that were I ate most of my minerals, yum.  Bleh.  I really wish I had taken a picture of my face on that day, it look like I had a mud mask on.  When I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror I scared my self.  Yikes.   Then I rode in even stronger wind, OMFG!  No dust, instead flying sticks, which I got hit in the face. Ouch.  

I did 645 miles in September.  That was really cool.  

Riding with the Firday Group Ride is the most annoying group to ride with.  There this one guy who just keeps talking and tell everyone what to do.  Geeee.  He buys me coffee and then cracks really bad jokes.  Why to I keep going back.   LOL  Just kidding.   

As for the weather with no rain this Christmas, when we got our comfort bikes back in 2013, that winter was exactly the same as this winter, no rain.  Then 2014, 2015, 2016 was normal with rain and all that jazz.   So 2018 should be blustery.   

As for Christmas it's going to be really mellow.  Were not having a traditional Christmas dinner we've got Salmon and Salmon heads.  So it's going to be Salmon Cheeks for dinner.   

Merry Christmas from the Grinch. LOL     I've this in the back of my car window.   

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