Thursday, April 19, 2018


 Yeah I'm rocking to Stranger things right now.  I love this song. 

Good windy ride today.  I only did a short ride hubby was feeling a bit under the weather, so hubby comes first.  But I attacked all the small hills I could.   My thighs feel like they're going to pop.  So yes I am sore.   I'm pondering the Friday Group ride tomorrow.  
On my way back from Gear Land ( The entrance of Honey Run Rd.)
 * enterence  this is how I want to spell it.  Ughhh!
A Main got some nice cold water and I had just run out so I stopped by to get some and on my way out look what I got!   😁😁  They gave me a water bottle and a hell of a nice one to.   I love it.   I opened it up and smelled it and it smells like nothing.  So I'm a Purist fan.  The top part is awesome, I sucked water from my other bottle and then tried this on and was like Whoa!    So THANK YOU AMAIN!  For a unexpected gift.   I love it and will use it a lot.

Now for stranger things.  I found a pure white Poppy!   My camera was charging to I hope it's there tomorrow.  I hope it is.
After I got my coffee I slid my bank card between the visor, upon parking and getting out I dropped the visor to get the card and the card did not fall.  Whaaaaa?   Seriously.  It was suspended from the ceiling of the car.  ?????   I took a picture of it, but sense the battery was too low it didn't take.   That's what happened to my other pictures disappearing.  You'll have to take my word on it.   I really should have taken a picture of my face.  I was dumbfounded.  Has gravity stopped working inside my car?   Or is my powers rubbing on things around me.  LOL  

Lot's of friendly cyclists out today.  I feel bad sometimes, because I have the death warmed over look and sometimes I don't wave.  :(     It happens, but I usually wave.   

Coming down toward Hooker Oak park a whole group of mountain bike riders passed me.  I wonder always were their going.

Oh man I remember last year going toward one mile inside the park and I must have past like 25 mountain bikes riders and no one told me they were going to turn in front of me. Ahhhhhhh I gunned it hard and missed them.   That was not my intention. 

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