Monday, April 23, 2018


Sitting at the Madison Bear Garden with our non alcoholic sprite. LOL  We got there early, so we were all alone. 
 I was making a fist because my camera has been taking blurry pictures lately.  Because of my rain ride.     Maybe if I threaten the camera it will take better pictures. lol
 The coordinator setting up the prizes and what not. 
 Got some goodies.  Another Purist water bottle. And Gel's and Fizzes.

Everyone had raffle tickets and people won prizes, I didn't win any thing but I still made off with three more Crit Shirt.  :)  And a cool poster, so I'm happy. 

 Oh here are the people.  Filling up.

Yummy The burgers were really tasty.

 More people.  :)
Omg everything is gone.  LOL  Chris and I got there early so we got our burgers practically first.
 I should mention that the burger below were heaping in pan below.  What happened?  Oh yeah hungry people.  And only two veggie burgers left. 
 No more potato salad. 

He's right the burger was good. 

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